Tag Archives: oval diamond

Oval Trend on a Budget

No matter what the budget, the oval cut can be incorporated into your very own custom design and here are a few ideas on how to maximize this look without breaking the bank! The oval cut is the one top trending shapes for this year and for good reason! It’s elongated appearance looks flattering on many hand types and they have a big face up look to them making them a great value option. However, oval diamonds are also one of the more expensive diamond cuts available due to being rare- simply not as many of them exist as they have only been around since 1957! We’ve compiled a list of five ways to hop on the oval trending train without breaking the bank. The oval shape + a high quality setting are the most important parts of this equation. There are plenty of stones available in an oval shape other than diamond Continue reading

popular diamond shapes

Diamond Shapes, Lauren B Styles

Can’t decide which shape to select for your engagement ring?  Let me try to help you with a quick crash course covering some of the more popular diamond cuts

Here is a photo showing  some of the more popular cuts of diamonds weighing approximately 1.50 carat diamonds.  As you can see all are stunning and choosing the right one for yourself is simply a matter of preference.  From left to right we have: Continue reading