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Selecting a Diamond within Your Budget

When you find yourself in the market for a diamond, you want the best you can afford. A diamond makes a statement, and selecting a diamond within your budget can be a fun and exciting process. If you are thinking about buying diamonds in NYC, the first thing to do is educate yourself about the product you are investigating. You have probably heard of the four C's of diamond quality, and we want to help you understand exactly what each one means and how it plays into your purchase.


The carat weight is a measurement of the size of the diamond in question. The higher the number is, the bigger the diamond will be. While the size of your diamond is obviously important, it should not be the only factor that you take into consideration (both in how your diamond looks and how much it costs).


Diamonds come in a wide variety of colors. A letter scale is used to classify diamonds based on their whiteness, with D being the whitest and Z being much more yellow. Depending on the metal used for the ring (as well as your personal preference), you can determine the best color for your situation.


Natural diamonds generally have minor imperfections called inclusions and blemishes. The location, size, and visibility of these inclusions and blemishes all factor into its appearance and therefore its placement on the clarity scale. While almost all diamonds have these imperfections, not all of them are visible to the naked eye.


A diamond’s cut affects its ability to reflect and transmit light (also known as sparkle). Its proportions and symmetry are factored into its cut grade.

While higher-quality diamonds generally cost more, it is very possible to compare various stones and find deals within your price range. Determine where your priorities lie--if color is very important to you but clarity matters less, then you can find a beautiful, white diamond with a few inclusions that won’t break the bank. At Lauren B Jewelry, we want to help you find your perfect diamond, and we are here to help clarify any diamond questions you may have.