OVAL QUALITY 1 items total April 7, 2017 DIAMOND FACE OFF PART 2: OVAL VS CUSHION Next up on our series is going to be a diamond face off on Oval vs. Cushion. Oval and cushion cut diamonds are easily the most popular fancy cut diamonds shapes right now. Cushions have been hot for almost a decade now and ovals have shot up the charts in the past three years. Their rounded appearances and brilliant sparkle make them an amazing option for someone wanting a bright and modern appearance. Both cushion and oval cut diamonds work very well in hundreds of custom ring design options. If you have been following us on Instagram or staying up to date with our website you will notice these are the most used center-stone shapes. In this post we will break down the shapes and then compare. You can watch the full length HD quality video comparing oval and cushion cut diamonds, to go along with this post by clicking here Continue reading → Continue reading → This entry was posted in Diamonds 101 and tagged cushion clarity, oval halo, moissanite halo, oval rings, cushion oval diamond, cushion cut diamond, cushion cut diamnds, choosing an oval diamond, OVAL QUALITY on April 7, 2017 by admin. 1 Item(s)