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carat vs quality

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  • At Lauren B, we work closely with countless engagement ring shoppers and one of the most asked question we get is "what do we think is more important in a diamond: the quality of the diamond or the size of the diamond?" I know this may seem very unhelpful but we are going to be the ones to let you know that there is simply no right or wrong answer here. It varies greatly on a case by case basis and most importantly on the people actually buying and wearing the ring! As with many objects in life, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but perhaps some of the tips below will help you come to a better final decision when purchasing a diamond for your custom engagement ring.  Remember there are always extremes to any comparison, so when opting for a trade-off of bigger size over quality, it is always prudent to toe the line carefully and not overstep the boundaries that would effect the beauty of the diamond to the observer. Continue reading

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